CSAW CTF Quals 2018 Writeup
CSAW CTF Quals 2018 The Quals for the CSAW CTF happened from 14th-16th September 2018, I participated with my team eavesdroppers from the India region. After the 48 hour toil, we ended up 8th Regionally and 87th Globally.
Challenges bin_t - Misc On connecting to the given server and port using nc misc.chal.csaw.io 9001, we receive a list of integers and and instructions to follow, i.e, insert the numbers in an AVL Tree and return the pre order traversal list of the balanced AVL Tree.
Building ReverSEE
Building ReverSEE This post aims to cover the developement process of ReverSEE, a reverse image search hoopla I built to essentialy learn to use PyTorch.
a silly idea popular indian fashion website allows you to throw a picture of a random tshirt in their search bar and they’ll find you how a similar tshirt available in the store.
Idea: How could i go about building something similar of my own? A Mini Reverse Image Search!