Windows Productivity Max
Setup Windows 10 for Productivity Maxx. I use Arch btw But, When I am not doing shenanigans on my Arch (AntergOS) with KDE setup (which i absolutely love), I use Windows 10. Which is very useable (atleast, for me) contrary to popular linux chad opinion.
Some Points Windows 10 Home came preinstalled on my laptop (Dell 7567). I like using Windows 10 (not as much as the KDE setup, though).
Building ReverSEE
Building ReverSEE This post aims to cover the developement process of ReverSEE, a reverse image search hoopla I built to essentialy learn to use PyTorch.
a silly idea popular indian fashion website allows you to throw a picture of a random tshirt in their search bar and they’ll find you how a similar tshirt available in the store.
Idea: How could i go about building something similar of my own? A Mini Reverse Image Search!